"ERASMUS + Foster entrepreneurial and digital skills of museum/cultural organization professionals"

il y a 6 ans

Alessandra De Angelis



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Dear all, 

we are currently looking for a VET provider which has already taken part to other Erasmus+/Eu programmes as partner and/or coordinator.

The target group of our Erasmus + KA2 - Strategic partnership - VET are: professionals of museums and cultural organisations or "would-be"

If you are a VET provider, you have an expertise in this field of education and training and you are interested in joining our partnership please send me your PIF!

Country: France, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria


Alessandra De Angelis - FVB srl

 Éducation et formation
 Gestion culturelle

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