Empowering Learners Through LearnGraph: A Self-Transformative Educational Innovation

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LearnGraph is an innovative platform that merges technological and social innovation to create transformative, learner-centered educational experiences. Designed as the "Google Maps" for education, LearnGraph personalizes learning pathways while fostering collaboration, inclusivity, and self-development.

Our approach emphasizes whole-person learning—integrating intellectual knowledge, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. Through developmental spaces that combine cutting-edge technology with meaningful social interaction, LearnGraph promotes deep, transformative learning experiences.

Key features include personalized learning maps, dynamic mentoring, and collaborative group formation, all supported by real-time learner analytics. The platform seamlessly integrates into higher education systems, ensuring interoperability with EU frameworks like the European Learning Model (ELM).

We seek partners for Erasmus+ funding to co-create this hybrid learning ecosystem, enhancing access to education while empowering learners to achieve personal and professional transformation. Let’s collaborate to redefine education together!

 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation et formation
 Enseignement supérieur
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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