ELDERS & CULTURE: The cultural heritage of the elderly: ERASMUS KA2-ADULT ED.

il y a 6 ans


Education, centre de formation ou école


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

In recent times, a recovery has become apparent due to the interest that older people arouse as a source of knowledge about the cultural heritage of the populations in which they have often resided since birth.

Historians, professors, researchers, tourism professionals, are beginning to consider the elderly as a source of knowledge and preservation of cultural heritage that especially in rural areas of small size, subsists thanks to the work that the group of elders carries out for keep it

However, with the exception of the heritage that by itself represents old age, it is far from having, at present, a transmissible, usable, usable value. Quite the contrary, it is relegable, hidden. We are immersed in a utilitarian society and the old is useless. However, his experience represents an ocean of wisdom that can guide younger generations. They are fundamental when transmitting cultural values ​​to other generations, as guardians of a cultural and social heritage.

The objective of the project is to provide the elderly with the necessary learning tools to collaborate in actions, programs or projects to disseminate and promote cultural heritage in their areas of residence, with the aim of both improving their social integration, and to avoid their isolation and to make them feel useful in a population with a tendency to greater longevity.

For them, the different partners of the project will develop methodologies and innovative didactic tools that allow project stakeholders (local corporations, senior training centers, tourist agencies, museums, etc.), to count on the elderly as transmitters of cultural heritage in the actions that they carry out.

 Apprentissage des adultes
 Héritage culturel

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