E+ SMALL SCALE - ART CRIT 101 - Transnational Art Critique Sessions for Engaging a Broader Public - we are looking for a PARTNER preferably a UNIVERSITY or a MUSEUM

il y a 9 mois

Alex Germano

Agence de conseil


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

CASTRO is an experimental learning program based in Rome, Italy.
It provides development opportunities and workspace to artists and researchers.

The aim of the proposed project is to organise international art research conferences, with the experimental curriculum CASTRO in Rome, collaborative universities, museums, galleries, or art centres seeking to provide a wider public engaged in contemporary art beyond traditional art and academic art audiences. The project aims to promote cultural mobility, lifelong learning and cross-cultural understanding by providing artists a platform to exhibit their work and foster interactive connections with the public.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased participation of a broader public in art critique sessions, reaching beyond art academics and artists.
  • Enhanced cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of contemporary art through international collaborations.
  • Professional development opportunities for emerging artists, curators, and arts administrators.
  • Strengthened networks and partnerships between CASTRO and international cultural organisations.
  • Dissemination of project outcomes and best practices to the wider arts and culture community.

 Éducation artistique
 Culture et développement

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