E-participation in Local Self- Government

il y a 6 ans

Roskovec Municipality

Autorité publique


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

This project aims to promote civic participation and citizen engagement at the local level.

The E-participation in Local Self- Government project aims at promoting European citizenship and civic democratic participation at the local level.  A active participation is  a partnership between the state and its citizens, where citizens are actively involved in shaping public policy and deci­sion-making about such policies, although the final decision is always tak­en by the state; a citizen in this relationship is recognised as a major play­er in the field of initiating, designing and making decisions about public policies ( a referendum).

The foundation of democracy is the active participation of citizens in pub­lic life at both the national and local level. Local authorities are, in fact, one of the main pillars of any democratic regime; fur­thermore, the right of citizens to participate in public affairs is one of the fundamental principles of democracy. It is necessary to create systems of local democracy in which citizens have the greatest opportunity to participate. The use of e-participation is an important step in this direction.

The project will support the establishment of a European network through local public and private actors acting in the encouragement of civic participation in decision-making processes involving several target groups as: citizens ( experts of different areas, NGOs, volunteers, young people, women); institutional representatives (mayors, representatives of specific areas related to democratic engagement and citizen participation).

Particularly this project foreseen 2 European events/Conferences, 2 of these will take place in Roskovec (AL) and 1  in the places that it must be defined.

The project E-participation in Local Govenmenti  is located in 2 countries within 21 days.

This project will bring together citizens, municipalities, experts, many civil society actors, young people, women, volunteers in favor of democratic engagement.

 Renforcement des compétences
 Coopération internationale
 Europe pour les citoyens
 Coopération territoriale

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