If you are a high-flying company with European and global ambitions and have a ground-breaking concept , we can help you achieve your dream and get financing up to 3 million EURO in HORIZON 2020 or HORIZON Europe.
Our expertise represents: 23 years of experience, more than 480 innovation proposals evaluated for the European Commission- Research Executive Agency (REA ) and Executive Agency for Small & Medium -sized Enterprises ( EASME ) ,around 70 projects implemented, monitor/review for the implementation of 6 projects in Europe: Sweden, Spain,Hungary, Denmark, Netherlands , ;
If you are interested to evaluate for FREE your idea , please send us an email: or come to Brussels to discuss your business idea Details : LACONSEIL SPRL Belgium
„ Do not fear the future. Learn to embrace it with confidence! „ Carlos Moedas -European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation
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