Disabled people : Learning to ride a bike

il y a 5 mois

Vincent Fazari (AFPJR)

Non lucratif


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My association is involved in the medico-social sector and the integration of disabled people. We support people with disabilities from the age of 6.

I would like to develop a project around learning to ride a bike for my patients. To do this, I would like to get in touch with an establishment that promotes sustainable mobility and a particular culture of cycling. Finally, we'll be able to make the link, as we'll be hosting the arrival of the Tour de France in Nice on 27/07/2024, which makes sense for this project. 

I look forward to hearing from you, and if you have any ideas for projects that involve people with disabilities, please don't hesitate to contact me by email

Have a nice day! 

Vincent FAZARI

 Santé des plantes
 Thérapies Alternatives
 Tourisme durable
 Transport durable
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie

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