Digital Skills _ ERASMUS+ Cooperation

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Helping people who are the furthest away from digital technology to improve their skills.

The "Digital Skills: Digital Inclusion for All" project aims to bridge this digital divide by capitalizing on European best practices to implement a series of targeted initiatives to develop digital skills among populations furthest from the digital ecosystem.

Through innovative training programs, partnerships with local and European players and awareness-raising initiatives, the project aims to create an inclusive and equitable environment where every individual, whatever their initial situation, can acquire the skills needed to thrive in today's digital society. This also applies to employees who want or need to develop their professional skills.

The ultimate aim is to promote digital autonomy, social inclusion and equal opportunities throughout the European community.


You'll find more information in the attached file. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in this project.

 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Société numérique

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