Digital fashion in a digital world New challenges for professional training in digital fashion design

il y a 6 ans


Education, centre de formation ou école


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The fashion business is committed to digitalization. 91% of the companies in the sector believe that investment in the digitization of their business will be a key factor in the next five years, according to the study Transformare le operations in valore nell'era , prepared by the Ernst & Young consultancy.

In the fashion industry, knowing the technological tools for design has ceased to be an alternative to become a necessity. Currently it is not strange to find job offers in which people with knowledge in the development of digital figurines, digital flats of clothes or development of collage or moodboards are sought.

In short, we are in a growing digital sector that requires an improvement in the training of young people in digital issues, taking into account that until a few years ago fashion design, despite being avant-garde in concept, has used traditional methods both in the conception of patterns as in the drawing, cutting or making of garments.

In this context, this project aims to create an innovative training tool that allows the target group to learn and put into practice various ways to improve their knowledge of fashion design using digital tools, as well as acquire the business skills necessary to obtain a better penetration and positioning of the market and internationalization of business for those organizations and / or entrepreneurs that bet on ICT as a design and innovation tool.

 Industries créatives
 Culture numérique

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