Development of waste-to-energy technology for utilization of such a wastes like sewage sludge from the municipal water treatment plants, used car/ truck tires and other carbon-containing wastes with generation heat and power energy

il y a 5 ans

Ekokemika Trading Ltd.



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Current project status: 

  • Technology developed and patented which allows to dispose in ecologically friendly manner, without direct burning process and without energy resources spending, of sewage sludge from water treatment plants, presorted municipal solid wastes components, rubber (used car/trucks tires) and plastics wastes and other carbon-containing wastes;
  • Absence of harmful emissions in flue gases and resulting ash is confirmed by official laboratory testing;
  • Technology allows to receive as output electricity and heat power, which can be supplied to local customers, using the wastes like a raw material for generating of energy output.

We are interested in finding partners for receiving necessary funding and creating of joint machinery assembly plant in EU for the manufacturing of waste-to-energy installations based on our technology.




 Efficacité énergétique
 Énergie renouvelable
 Gestion des déchets
 Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)

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