Danube river basin Climate Adaptation and Building Resilience with Nature Based Solutions

il y a 11 mois

Martina Leskovar

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Green Building Council Croatia is actively seeking partners for the upcoming Interreg Danube Call, closing on April 3rd. Our project, is focused on innovative solutions to reduce flood risks in the Danube region, a problem expected to increase by 20% due to climate change and unsustainable development. A key element of our approach is Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), which we will test in three different settings to demonstrate their broader applicability.

The project aims to strengthen the capacities of local communities, planners, and policymakers through educational programs, pilot projects, and the development of guides for replicating NBS. We strive to reduce flood risks, enhance ecosystems and biodiversity, improve water management, mitigate climate change, and increase social well-being.

We are looking for partners from Germany, the Czech Republic, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovakia with expertise in implementing NBS, engaging communities, and relevant scientific disciplines. Ideal partners are those involved in projects related to climate change, water management, environmental protection, and community development. We invite you to join our team and contribute to the sustainable development of the Danube region through innovative, nature-inspired solutions. Your experience and knowledge could be crucial to the success of our collective project.

 Technologie bas carbone
 Efficacité énergétique
 Énergie renouvelable
 Sciences du climat
 Green Deal

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