The third transnational meeting of the project took place virtually, via Zoom and Mural, from the 14th to the 16th October 2020: what a pleasure to meet again, even if, of course, we would have preferred to see each other in Greece, as it was initially planned.
Here was the program:
Day 1, we discussed Materiality and Benchmark reports – the reports will be available for partners’ reviews. Then Each partner pitched their specific online course. We also formalized learnings with more realistic deadlines. Breaking news, we started to upload courses to Moodle, next steps are to review, modify, and go Live!
Day 2 was the opportunity for the team to discuss administrative and finance, and preparation for the Repository of the best practices in #CSR.
Day 3, we discussed Repository in detail, actions, responsibilities of each partner on data gathering, and next steps.
In summary, next steps will be to finalize and test the e-learning platform and to work on IO3, the creation of a repositery with all-you-need-to-know about CSR and its implementation in training centres.
Looking forward to meet the team again for TPM 4, which will occur in April 2021 (more details closer to the date).
In the meantime, stay safe (and tuned) !
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