Coordination Between the Cybersecurity Civilian and Defence Spheres

il y a 11 mois

Martin Utray

Agence de conseil


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The Hungarian University of Public Service is looking for EU partners with whom to apply for the call 'Coordination between the Cybersecurity civilian and defence spheres', featured in the Digital Europe Cybersecurity Work Programme 2023-2024 (attached to this post)

More information on the call below.


EUR 3 million for an indicative time period of three years


The objective is to enhance exchange and coordination between the cybersecurity civilian and defence spheres. This should in particular foster synergies between cybersecurity actions in Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and defence related actions carried out by the Union through its bodies and programmes, such as the European Defence Agency and the European Defence Fund.


The aim is to organise activities that bring foster exchange with regards to cybersecurity technologies that have relevance in both civilian and defence context: meetings, workshops and collaborative activities between stakeholders of the civil and defence communities, addressing all stakeholders (academic, SMEs, industry, public authorities, etc.).


 Concrete activities such as discussions, meetings, white papers, workshops, which strengthen the links between the cybersecurity civilian and defence spheres.

 Synergies between these communities, such as common activities to exchange know-how and information.



 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Économie numérique
 Union européenne
 Intelligence artificielle
 Défence et cyber-sécurité

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