Community Capacity Building for sustainable Natural Resources Management

il y a 5 ans

Western Region Community Resources Boards Association

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The Western Region CRB Association covers the geographical area mainly around the protected Areas around the Kafue National Park, Kafue Flats and the Silowana Complex of Western Province of Zambia. Our work caters for community capacity building in resource stewardship, proprietor user rights, increased community beneficiation and enterprise development in order to contribute to reducing poaching and other illegal activities. We are also inspired and determined to improve and make awareness about environmental policies to promote nature conservation that may reduce greenhouse emissions which is bringing climate change and encouraging the communities to stop deforestation and degradation of nature Areas.  In shoirt, our focus is mainly to improve on three key things – property tenure rights for communities, conservation outcomes on communal lands and improve community benefits through community-owned enterprises.

 Ressources naturelles
 Sciences du climat

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