Capacity Building in the field of Youth ERASMUS-YOUTH-2024-CB

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In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, access to digital skills has become a pivotal factor in determining individuals' socio-economic opportunities. However, a digital divide persists, particularly in regions with limited resources and educational infrastructure. Region 3, encompassing countries in the southern Mediterranean such as Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, and Tunisia, faces the challenge of providing its youth with equitable access to digital skills that are crucial for personal development and participation in the global economy.

The project responds to this imperative by aiming to establish a collaborative network that actively involves youth and third-sector entities in the targeted countries. This collaboration seeks to address the unique challenges faced by disadvantaged youth who may lack access to formal education or opportunities to acquire essential digital skills. The necessity for this initiative is underscored by the potential these skills hold in empowering individuals, fostering economic growth, and facilitating social inclusion.

 Innovation sociale
 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Humanités numériques

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