Call for partners/leaders "What is the long-term impact of rule of law and other European values on socio-economic outcomes? (HORIZON-CL2-2024-DEMOCRACY-01-03)"

il y a 7 mois

Maurizio Lisciandra



Recherche partenaire principal

I am actively seeking partners to join a consortium aimed at responding to the abovementioned upcoming research call. Our team comprises Italian scholars from the fields of economics and law, offering a multidisciplinary approach to the research. While we cannot lead the consortium, we are interested in joining one that aligns with the call's objectives. Although we lack expertise in network analysis, a key requirement, we can contribute significantly in the area of econometric analysis. Specifically, we can quantify the social costs of weakening the rule of law through robust econometric models. These models can correlate rule of law metrics with socio-economic variables, providing empirical foundations for policy recommendations. Our research in the economics of corruption and law can further enrich these policy insights.

 Horizon Europe
 Droit européen
 Évaluation des politiques et gouvernance

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