Best practices for building a circular economy culture in Western and Eastern Europe

il y a 4 ans

Georges Seil



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

In contrary to the majority opinion that the circular economy philosophy is generally known and very often applied as well encouraged by municipal management in all EU countries, it has been observed and confirmed that in most countries CE is only one of a multitude of directives that could possibly be followed but bbecause of sometimes very primitive reasons, CE at this point is not really applied.

Despite the fact that CE will bring additional good and even profitable business with the introduction of a higher plastic recycling rate, re-use of electric and household appliances and recovery of critical raw material, job creation and the development of a new economical sector, the development of CE lacks the motivation from country and city management as well as from political parties not supporting the CE idea.

The idea is setting up a consortium of partners who are motivated as experts in the fields of recycling and recovery and for working out a project at 5 pillars:

P1: design of a maximum of CE concepts for SME/SMI's

P2: present the concepts to all EU27, at country and at city/municipality level

P3: conclude PPP agreements at country/city/municipality level

P4: build/execute CE solutions in the respective locations

P5: provide capacity building and awareness training in all EU27

 Renforcement des compétences
 Matières premières
 Gestion des déchets
 Développement durable

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