Behavioural changes for sustaining Green deal challenges

il y a 3 ans

Margherita Forcolin



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

A customer of mine owns  a community platform allowing advanced Interactive customer experience. The platform can be integrated into any system to engage beneficiaries and stakeholders, to support the community, to foster and measure behavioral changes and ultimately to assess the overall impact of the ;

These are crucial strategic aspects to be addressed in a proposal, especially when it aims to target community-based issues.

My client is interested in joining a consortium applying to the call European Research Infrastructures capacities and services to address European Green Deal challenges, where his platform can be integrated to support the impact assesment, and community building phaes.

Please contact me if you find it of your interest and I wil be please to forward you additional info on the company and on the platform.



 Applications informatiques
 Transport durable
 Open source
 Développement de projets
 Gestion de projets internationaux
 Rédaction technique
 Internet des objets (IoT)

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