Assist victims of trafficking for their integration and volunteering return to countries of origin

il y a 3 ans

Vital Aid Foundation

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

Our project idea is intended for organizations and stakeholders in the field of assisting migrants and victims of trafficking

Our project idea aims to consolidate the experience and expertise of professionals in the frontline of migration and issues of trafficking (VOT) to assist TCNs Victims of Trafficking in their quest for local integration, as well as assist victims whose claims for staying permit have been rejected at the appeals stage to voluntary return to their countries of origin with dignity if they choose to do so.

Specific objectives:

1. Skilling of TCN VOT for re-integration with (2) educational model on Health care services for the elderly and ICT

2. Facilitate access to re-integration through employment and needs-based on their personal circumstances.

3. Pre-departure and Post arrival arrangements for returnees

4. Transnational expert meeting/Train the trainers on issues of human trafficking (HT) to improve the exchange of good practices and Transnational Cooperation. 

5. Sensitization and dissemination of information on Human Trafficking of TCN.


The social and economic integration and return incentives promoted by the project will produce the following long-term effects and impact.

1. Skills acquired not only provides an appropriate solution for re-integration but contributes significantly to progress in poverty reduction and will motivate returnees to stay in their communities for good without being re-trafficked.

2. Reduced vulnerability of being re-trafficked with the help of the needs-based integration

3. Improved cooperation between relevant stakeholders in the identification, integration, as well as safe and durable return of TCN VOT and in finding sustainable solutions for their wellbeing.

4. Improved transnational cooperation, shared responsibility, experience, and best practices with key professional in the field, thus have new tools and ideas at their disposal to support VOT in a more targeted and efficient way

5. Increased global awareness on issues of HT of TCNs and public support due to the prevailing victim’s friendly intervention strategies applicable in this project.

Please contact us if you have the expertise to participate in this project.     


 Développement durable
 Égalité des sexes
 Mobilité des jeunes
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Film et média
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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