il y a 5 ans

APS La Fenice ASD

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Despite the short time ahead, we're looking for partners to submit a project for the call CAPACITY BUILDING IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH (ACPALA). The project contents are already quite developed and they focus on the use of CREATIVE ARTS (social circus, street arts, theatre, music & dance, etc.) as an educational tool to empower disadvantaged youth.

We would like the project to include a set of capacity building training for youth workers to use different arts in their daily work with young people and learn the benefits of Arts-Education, sharing experiences and expertise on the topic and getting engaged on practical workshops too. Youth workers will then be responsible for testing and piloting such activities in their own regions, targeting disadvantaged youth who will then have the chance to take part and meet in a final youth exchange in Italy, to set up a common performance.

We can provide additional info on the project structure and activities upon request. If the idea sounds interesting to you and you have experience in arts and/or education and/or working with disadvantaged youth, please contact us!

On another note, if you're looking for partners in this call or in similar ones we have expertise in grassroots youth work, youth empowerment, arts-education, non-formal and peer education, the inclusion of disadvantaged youth and much more! 

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 Renforcement des compétences
 Coopération internationale
 Mobilité des jeunes
 Services volontaires européens
 Jeunes travailleurs
 Éducation artistique
 Culture et développement

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