Artificial Intelligence meets mental health

il y a 2 ans

Darius Moravcik



Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

Our international team of entrepreneurs and scientists (Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, US, Canada) has a successful track record of commercializing technology and scaling companies in Europe. 


We are building an AI Super-Therapist that can detect and treat depression in real time. Our innovation comprises of both the detection and treatment algorithms in Machine Learning. Our detection algorithm is currently world leading in accuracy. We are building the infrastructure to collect more data for the treatment algorithm and perfect the technology so it is ready to be commercialized.


Our team members have raised venture-capital in their previous companies, but I would like to explore EU funding for this venture since we are doing a lot of research and applying new technology from global academia. 


We are solving the biggest problem in the world and using the most exciting technology in the world, which is what makes me believe we are the perfect fit for EU funding. 

 Santé mentale
 Intelligence artificielle

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