Advanced welding & tooling process for zero-manufacturing in novel automotive component production

il y a 3 ans

HIDRIA, razvoj in proizvodnja avtomobilskih in industrijskih sistemov d.o.o.

Grande entreprise


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Recherche partenaire principal

HIDRIA is looking to devise a strong consortium related to combination of novel technologies (3D printing, use of sensorics, use of novel materials, use of new tooling designs, advanced micro welding solutions) for demanding automotive and industrial applications produced through means of rapid stamping and high-pressure die-casting.
Focus is on automotive sector and solutions suitable for new standards related to lightweight and electrification trends.
Looking for automotive suppliers, automotive research institutions, industrial engineering companies, digitalization SMEs.

 Entreprises et industrie
 Nanotechnologie et nanosciences
 Industrie automobile
 Transport propre
 Horizon Europe
 Ingénieur industriel
 Intelligence artificielle

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