The University of Jaén (Spain) is looking for non-academic potential partners that are willing to contribute to a 2019 AAL proposal ;The proposal coordinator ORCID identifier is 0000-0001-8230-6529 and the description of the UJA Advanced Studies Center in Information and Communication Technologies (CEATIC) is available at the UJA ;
The UJA CEATIC is famous for its SmartLab, which is an environmental intelligence laboratory with the most modern sensors and devices for IoT and SmartCity. This lab has got more than 130 sensors (and over 30 different types of them) to analyse the behaviour of the inhabitants. Besides, new applications are being developed to improve the quality of people’s life. The areas where user-adaptive systems can be found are very miscellaneous, such as telecommunications, multimedia, finance, service industries, health care, transportation, and manufacturing industries. In addition, this labs may be considered one of the first ones among the laboratories focused on the socio-sanitary care of persons with disabilities.
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