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Zusammenarbeit von Sekundar- und Tertiar- Institut..
Zusammenarbeit von Sekundar- und Tertiar- Institutionen zur Anerkennung von Bildungsabschlüssen Technischer Assistenten in Europa
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 juin 2016
It is planned to send two students (who have completed their training as Chemical– Pharmaceutical-or Environmental Technicians with KBSZ Ellwangen) to the University of Reading to undertake a practical project. The main objectives of this project for the participants are as follows:
To experience working abroad in both a professional and cultural context;
to further and to cement their knowledge of English;
to become familiar with working with large pieces of equipment or in research centres; to encourage independent working within the project goals; to broaden their professional and social horizons;
and to make contacts which could easily lead to further professional collaborations.
The overarching goal is to increase the working opportunities for the participants in both a German and a European context, since the professional competences of Chemical- Pharmaceutical- and Environmental Technicians whose training is below tertiary level is not appreciated and recognized throughout Europe.
The host institution undertakes to make available for the period of the project (6 months from February to August) laboratory places and access to the relevant equipment, in the Chemistry Department and in the associated institutions in which the project will be carried out. They will be responsible for the conduct and supervision of the work, afford assistance in finding of accommodation, and for any problems which may arise in association with the objectives of the work, and will provide a comprehensive reference describing the achievements of the participants in all aspects of the project (e.g., in analysis, laboratory work, use of large and specialized equipment).
The sending institution undertakes the provision of the training for the state-certified Technicians, the costs of insurance to cover the placement, the training in relevant technical English, and preparation of the participants at the start of the project period.
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