Rechercher des projets européens

Zostać Nauczycielem Europy
Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project " Become a Teacher of Europe" was carried out by the Primary School No. 41 the King Wladyslaw Jagiello in Lodz. The project resulted from the need of development linguistic and professional skills and also to establish long-lasting international relations. The foundation of this initiative was to increase the language competence among 12 teachers.Those teachers developed communication skills and gained many valuable contacts, which resulted during the international cooperation . It also affected on the quantity and quality of the interscholastic projects. This was the first such a sophisticated project we realised after a few years of break. The participants are the teachers who teach early primary education, English, mathematics, science, music, nature and teachers working in the common room. Each of them speak English at intermediate level at least. The programme of the project include two kinds of mobilities courses organised abroad :Malta, Sweden, Portugal and the "teaching assignment" stay in our partner's school in Spain, where teachers would have a chance to see how the bilingual school works and how to work with ICT tools at a high level. The subject of these trainings concerned the most important issues that have been identified as necessary to implement the European School Development Plan. Trainings were related to EU funds and to establish international relations (Portugal), training of ICT in teacher's work (Malta), workshops on conducting outdoor activities (Sweden), language training for primary school teachers, how to combine language and fun (Malta) and a course how to use ICT in teaching bilingual CLIL (including Malta). The experience gained during the implementation of the project was used in the course of bilingual education based on the methodology CLIL and Web 2.0 tools. As part of the course the participants were given instructions how to prepare the educational materials. They also got exercises, boards, lesson plans and files that they can use during the lessons on the interactive boards. In addition, our school teachers conduct lessons according to the instructions and materials that they were given during the courses . Thanks to the workshops the participants’language skills increased while the rest of the staff would get persuaded to take part in similar activities. We established a group of school coordinators of international relations within our school who is writing a KA2 project together with Finnish and Portugese partners. Moreover bilingual education is used in all stages of education at our school. Our school implements a policy of " M + 2 " (mother tongue plus two foreign languages). During the course of Portugal the coordinators were trained how to create a modern school. Participants are inspired by the new international ideas in order to implement them into the curriculum. The vision of a new , modern school on a European scale contribute with the development not only teachers, but also of pupils.



1 Participants partenaires