Rechercher des projets européens

Зелено строителство - устойчиво бъдеще
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Applying organization with project “Green building-stable future”is Professional Vocational School for Construction and Architecture/PGSA/-Pazardzhik.Participants in this project are students from 11th grade-specialty”Construction and Architecture”and”Real Estate Agent”.The present project offer is natural proceeding of previous projects by means of the students will achieve new knowledge and skills about new construction systems connected with economy of energy, residential comfort and quality of bio-architecture consecutively usage of systems for restorate energy and ecological pure materials which can be recycled and used again, altogether with economical stability and protecting the environment. It is provoked by achievement of goals pawned in”Strategy 2020”concerning the energy and the changes of climate,which are challenge not only for energy sphere of activity,but also for construction sphere of activity,and restorate of directive 2002/91/EC/. Construction activities use huge amount of resources-soil and building materials, energy and water and produce noxious gases.According to statistics,reducing the amount of natural resources,which are consumed by the buildings the pollution,these are the main meanings of future stable development.Construction sphere of activity take 30-40% ofworldwide consumption of energy,and over 70% of noxious emissions for the environment are due to the consumption of electricity during the exploration of the buildings.That is why must offer energy effective and protecting nature construction technologies. Goals: •To raise knowledge and applying of international experience foir categorizing of building,giving an account of all indices and factors during the exploration of building,also indices of the environment;The specific way of projecting and constructing of “green” building. •To raise the practical purpose of training and school connotation and interactivity of educational process; •To increase the number of well trained specialists in the field of energy-effective construction applying newest ecological practices in construction area. •To change the point of view of young people concerning the usage of energyresources, to provide”green”future during next years. •Higher motivation for those who graduate professional education in construction area. Activities,provided in the present project embrace practical training concerning: •Ecological construction-goals and spheres of applying,common principles of planning; •Ecological aspects in phases of projection of green building,minimum emination of energy,location and construction,applying ecologically pure materials,which canbe recycleo again; •Using restorating/renewing/,sources of energy,sun radiation, windy and geothermal energy for producing alectricity; • Architecture and building technique photovoltaic appliances in newfamily buildings,solar parks; • Valuation of stable construction using the german standart DNGB for value of stable buildings; •Practice in Construction faculty,protecting the environment and construction in laboratory and test-house.Programmes and phases of glazing and insulation; • Practice-visiting reefing installation,produce of biogas through systems of building-avtomatization describing OBK installations,distance control; • Practise of achievement water effectiveness:reducing water consumption and preserving the quality of water;usage of cleared rain,roof-gardens,green roof. The gommon methodology of training is created for students due to innovative construction technologies achieved during the previons European projects,where we/PGSA/ have taken part. Expected results: •Individual level:Promoting professional skills in applying effective ecological, innovations in construction;adaptation to european community and sense of belonging;knowing the culture and traditions of country member of European community; •Project level:Realizing of 20 mobilities,transfer of knowledge,innovational practises and techniques;higher motivation of users in intercultural area. •Partners level:wide institutional cooperation between project partners; •National level:Improved training process integrated the achieved innovationalpractises during the exchange,better adaptiveness into European standarts of training quality; • Transnational level:Improved quality and raising capacity ofeuropean mobilities of people development of innovational practises in the POO area and their transfer,supported development of innovative educational approaches and practises in long life learning



1 Participants partenaires