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Zagraniczna praktyka zawodowa- moją inwestycją w p..
Zagraniczna praktyka zawodowa- moją inwestycją w przyszłość
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018
The main idea of the project is to organize a four-week professional training in Irish hotels or tourist agencies for 40 students of technical school of hospitality and tourist service in Zespol Szkol no 2 in Szczytno. The planned project is compatible with the demands of modern practical training which aim at effective preparing students to professional life as well as an active functioning at the labour market.A properly planned and organized practical training not only improves the quality and attractiveness of the whole professional training offered by our school, but mainly offers a wonderful opportunity to adjust students’ qualifications to more and more demanding and changing labour market. The foreign internship will enforce the future work placements of our students, also thanks to improved communicative abilities in English.The participants of the project will be two groups of twenty students who will be chosen with regard for gender equality and equality of educational chances, regardless of such factors as for instance social position or place of residence.The selected students have never participated in mobility projects before. The students will carry out a four week long professional training in prestigious Irish hotels and/or tourist agencies at different work positions (8 hours daily) according to their professional profile.At weekends the students will participate in integrative activities connected with the second part of cultural training.Aims of the project:*training of vocational competencies supervised by hospitality and tourist professionals,*developing and acquiring new professional skills and abilities,*learning procedures and standards of European labour market, *preparing for an external exam which confirms vocational qualifications of the students,*improving language competencies (also in the area of hotel and tourism language),*developing European awareness, learning about Irish customs traditions and culture in general,*increasing the graduates' chances to get a job at the local, national or European labour market.Estimated results:*to increase vocational abilities of participating students,*to confirm acquired abilities by Europass Mobility certificates,*to increase students'- graduates' mobility at the labour market, *to acquire an ability to communicate fluently in English both in everyday as well as in professional life, *to build up self-confidence of the project participants, *to develop the habit of permanent vocational development and knowledge updating, *to boost up students' self-esteem in their job preparation, *foreign practical training of our students will improve the quality of hospitality service in Warmia and Mazury region. It is hard to evaluate additional social, interpersonal, language and communicative abilities which could not be possible to acquire if students spend four-week- training at Polish work placements. The project will help to promote our school locally as an institution orientated at comprehensive development of our students. The project will motivate students to increase their qualifications, invest in their own development as well as motivate them to adjust to changes in European labour market. It will also help students to become more mobile in case if they decide to study in one of European countries or find a good job in Poland or abroad. The project partner of Zespol Szkol no 2 is an Irish organization Your International Training which is very well experienced in carrying out European projects. We expect that thanks to cooperation with YIT, the project will be very successful and our students will gain key skills and competencies which will be confirmed by certificates - Europass Mobility and others.
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