Rechercher des projets européens

Z Południem Europy Razem w Kierunku Ekologii
Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 déc. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Project Title: With the South of Europe Together Towards Ecology Context of the project: Ecology, Environment, Multiculturalism, Development of international co-operation in Europe Objectives of the project : - Raising the level of knowledge, awareness and skills related to life in the ecological and responsible society; - Showing the ecological approach as a way of saving resources and also as one of the cornerstones of effective entrepreneurship; - Indication of the possibilities offered by the European Union and its development programs both in terms of ecology, entrepreneurship, and education linked with these topics; - Enhancement of intercultural dialogue and the presentation of Polish culture and the state itself as an active participant of European integration; - The integration of the four nations in the spirit of joint and several identity of the young and active Europeans; - Promoting of international cooperation on all levels, mainly under programs of European Union; - Building networks of young people on an international level . Participants: - Centre for Scientic and Cultural Iniciatives Parnas - Poland - non-governmental organization; - Udruga mladih " Pharina " ( Youth Association " Pharina " ) - Croatia - non-governmental organization; - Associação Backup - Portugal - non-governmental organization; - Centro Servizi Associati - Italy - non-governmental organization. Number of participants: 96 young people (2 Actions for 48 participants each) from Croatia, Portugal and Italy at the age of 18-25 years, and group leaders. Description of activities : The project "With the South of Europe Together Towards Ecology" will be held in two phases, which will complement each other. There will be 2 Actions: Action 1. - Recycling as one of the ways to get better management of resources Action 2. - Renewable energy sources are the key to future Whole project is assumed to show young people the most important issues connected with ecology, environmental protection, saving resources by presenting the problems reaching all sorts of effects of human activity on the fundamental causes of this development, then ways of overcoming these problems and implementation of knowledge, through to the benefits that one can obtain to and work out for themselves and society both within their countries and the European Union. Achieve its objectives, which include educating, integrating and preparing young people to take an active social life, as citizens, students, workers and businesses will be a natural consequence of the selection of experts and partners (including all partner organizations) involved in the project, who will be able to share youth his extensive knowledge and experience. The entire project from the moment of preparing it, until its completion will be the result of international cooperation which will contribute to the progress of European integration at youth level, and also will increase efforts in the field of ecology in the future and show young people the benefits of similar initiatives and work on EU projects. Cross-section of information with the elements of ecology, culture and entrepreneurship featured from different perspectives and presented by the representatives of different countries allow young people to understand the world they live better and to see the studio and work abroad as an attractive alternative. This will affect the population of countries from which the partner organizations are, young people will become some kind of ambassadors of the common values of the European Union and will present its benefits and opportunities . Methodology: Youth from Croatia, Poland, Portugal and Italy will participate in meetings, seminars, workshops and lectures prepared by themselves under the guidance of leaders and experts, they will also explore Polish towns and regions through organized tours to the most important sites related to environmental issues and the Polish and European culture, as well as take part in organized cognitive, cultural and integration events. Results/benefits: Implementation of the project will be the first major step in the environmental education of young people at the level of international cooperation. Participants will develop not only as individuals, but also will be able to make a measurable benefit to the societies in which they live in the form of knowledge, skills and experience that will allow them to interact with their environments, take initiatives at the local, regional, national and international level. The project will also be the basis for building networks of young people, as well as for further actions initiated by positively-oriented youth in the future and to take further initiatives to further approximation of the four nations and their efforts in ecology.



3 Participants partenaires