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Date du début: 16 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 15 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

“Youthography” youth exchange will be held in Palermo from 27th of April to 3rd of May 2017. Thanks to a partnership with the administration of Godrano, a small village near Palermo, the first part of the exchange will be held in Godrano, hosted in a structure managed by a local Maghweb's organization partner. The project will involve the applicant organization, Associazione Maghweb (Italy) and its partners Europemove CRL (Portugal), Viesoji istaiga Rokiskio jaunimo centras (Lithuania) e “Connection Association” (Romania). Each association will participate with 7 participants (6 members+1 youth leader).As the importance of photography is increasing in the last years, Maghweb thought that should be important inquire if this tool is useful for social and educational purposes. As results from talks with partners organizations, Maghweb decided to try to join visuals arts, photography in this case, with non formal education methodologies targeting them with interventions against youngsters’ social unrest. The issue affects especially young people, protagonists of the future development of our societies.The project will involve young people aged from 18 to 30 - respecting the gender balance - and coming from disadvantaged social-cultural contexts to achieve better one of the goals of the exchange: stimulate the social dialogue disempowering barriers create by different social backgorunds. Through non-formal activities, participants will have the chance to compare experiences and ideas, also with concretes examples, how is possible to implemet social interventions using non formal education and photography. Consequently will be possible to notice how, with debates, brainstormings and mindmaps, this tool is one of the best in attracting the attention of youngsters and, thanks to its non-verbal nature, it could be easily used in different linguistic, cultural and social contexts. At the end of the project, with non formal and partecipatory methods, participants will create a photo-book that will collect all the photo-stories that participants will realize during activities. Among the purposes of the exchange there is also contributing to increase creativity, intercultural awareness, critical sensibility and linguistic and communications skills. In the first days of the exchange participants will know the reality of Godrano coming in contact with the territory and youngsters. Equally, will be pursued the goal to give more information about the programme Erasmus + and the linked opportunities, like Youth Pass.Partners’ organizations will have the chance to cooperate and exchange their know how at a European level, strengthening their role in the European social context. The working methodology used will refer to principles and praxis of non-formal education, peer-to-peer education and communication, needs-based approach, lifelong learning and experiential learning.Dissemination activities will be coordinate between partners and will consist on show the final work on local and national media, continuously update the activities on social media profiles and involve local communities. To achieve this goal Maghweb will employ its professional resources in the field of web communication, journalism and public communication.



3 Participants partenaires