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Youth Culture and Arts in Leverkusen
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Young people from three countries came together for a two-week work camp. As part of the workcamp two youth houses have been renovated. Here, a focus was placed on use of additional space for artistic expression. In addition to the renovation work the participants had the opportunity to take part in a theater workshop. Furthermore, a strong focus was placed on participation by young people in the planning and implementation of individual activities. Overall, should be strengthened with the project selfconfidence and group ability of young people . An attempt was made to put a focus on young people with special educational needs , which has partly succeeded . The partnership organizations and participants were involved in the planning process. The project has been a prelude to a longterm partnership.



2 Participants partenaires