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Young European Soul in EVS
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

YES EVS is a 18 months EVS project that takes place in Palermo.Palermo is a city with a big presence of migrants, and one of its biggest problem is the presence of too many neglected and abandoned public areas. We decided to work on these topics together and for this reason the project aims to increase social inclusion and active participation of young people throughout specific social campaigns, and to spread values connected with European Citizenship concept.Our project foresees the participation of 1 russian volunteer in the activities' areas of CSF, her service will have the following features:- 12 months' service, from September 2016 to August 2017. his main activities will be connected from one side to the support on communication and promotion of activities and social campaigns for the reevaluation of public areas, and working on volunteering actions on neglected areas and promotional events. He’ll be working as well together with CSF ‘s staff on workshops with minors on EU Citizenship (that will lead to the production of comic strips on duties/rights of European citizens), workshops with migrants on creative recycling, and supporting info-desks for youngsters; furthermore the volunteer will support CSF in the networking strategies' planning for the creation of the EuroMed Magazin.All activities of the project will be led through non-formal learning methods based on active participation. Methodological approaches used will be:- Experiential learning- Cooperative learning - Peer learning- Outdoor activitiesYES EVS aims to give a real impact on each part involved (participants, partner organizations and target groups) thanks to the competences acquired by volunteer and that will enrich himself, sending organization and target groups involved in workshops. We do believe that project’s activities will increase the awareness on concepts such as EU Citizenship and active participation, and will contribute increase as well social inclusion of migrants and citizens with fewer opportunities, by establishing good practices to share on local, regional, national and European level, through the dissemination of the Photografic Album, and that we hope will be used again. In this way we hope to create a waterfall effect on future projects implemented on these topics.



1 Participants partenaires