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YES, experience it yourself 2
Date du début: 6 juin 2016, Date de fin: 5 févr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

“YES, experience it yourself!” is a 6 days training course for 25 participants which aims to empower youth workers in the field of support and accompaniment of youth entrepreneurial projects.In the last years in Europe, the promotion of entrepreneurship in youth work is a priority. Despite having good ideas, many young people don’t know the necessary tools to develop their entrepreneurial projects; they need to be supported and accompanied to put in practice these projects. It has also been found that many workers in the field of youth are well prepared to motivate these youngsters but they are not sufficiently prepared to support the implementation of the projects.That’s why, in this TC, the participants will:• Experiment in themselves the process of starting an entrepreneurship project• Analyze what was useful, positive, a motivation, interesting… and also the difficulties they lived in their own process• Empower themselves and increase their competences to be able to support the young people they are working with in these processes.Concrete objectives of the TC are:• To give the opportunity to participants to learn key elements and concepts of being entrepreneurial and discover how to support entrepreneurship.• To get familiar with simple business concepts and tools and practice how to apply them and how to transfer them to the youngsters they are working with.• To let participants identify their needs and next steps to improve their competences accompanying and supporting young entrepreneurs• To create a network that will allow support, networking, cooperation and sharing of experiences among participants.The didactic methodology of the training will be based in three main points:• Mix of theoretical inputs combined with practical exercises to allow the comprehension of the concepts and tools: from youth work field, from non-formal learning and also from business environment.• Working with different learning methods based on non-formal education; like self-directed learning methods, reflection, peer to peer learning… to allow the transfer of the learning into different situations and into their reality.• Using the existing resources in the TC: participants, trainers and real entrepreneurial examples that we will get to know during the TC.



12 Participants partenaires