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XX - XXI century jobs - Bridge the gap
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project „XX- XXI century jobs- Bridge the gap” wants to focus the students’ attention on old and new jobs: their importance in our traditional heritage and in the social and economic structure of the communities. The topic the project brings up is connected with the current social and economic situation and thanks to participating in the project, the students may find it easier to make the right choice of their future career path. The project aims at awaking the students’ interest in different cultures, improving the use of ICT, promoting tolerance, encouraging awareness of the labour market, preventing dropping out of school, improving students’ linguistic and communicative competences, giving them a chance to cooperate with their peers abroad. The project will be carried out by 7 schools: Italy, Turkey- secondary level- vocational training; Spain- tertiary level- vocational training; Bulgaria, Poland- secondary level- general education; Hungary- junior secondary level; Greece- primary junior level. There will be 3 transnational meetings during which the partners will work out the schedule of the activities and methods of work, will present and share the products, will analyze and evaluate the work. During the first year the students will be working on disappearing jobs and professions and on famous discoverers and inventors. They will study the impact of inventions and discoveries on the development of industry, trade and the emergence of new jobs and workplaces. They will also study the causes of the present economic crisis and the socio- economic factors influencing the job market. During the second year students will focus on jobs and professions developing now, on those which guarantee high salary and social status, on those which give young people employment prospects. They will look at contemporary inventions, gadgets, technical novelties and will examine their impact on job market and everyday life. They will also have a look at rare, weird and extreme jobs and will analyze which jobs and professions are done by foreigners living in their regions. The students will also try to predict and visualize jobs and inventions of the future. One of the tasks will involve analyzing the presence of the motif of work in art, literature and film and a competition for a story with the motif of work. During the realization of the project 6 of the participating countries will organize short term training activities, during which students and teachers will have a chance to familiarize themselves with jobs, crafts typical of the partner countries, e.g. painting on pottery, embroidery, making glass objects, decorating glass, marbling, weaving, making pottery. The results of the project will include: project logo, lip dub video clips, website/ blog, multimedia presentations, video films, brochures, analyses, reports, exhibitions, thematic mini dictionary, articles, business plans, illustrated mini guide about modern inventions, lesson plans, special issue of the school magazine, collection of stories. The achievement of the project goals will have a positive impact on the whole school and local community and will be used in cross-curricular activities as part of future job-oriented plans.



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6 Participants partenaires