Rechercher des projets européens

Wielość kultur - jedność spojrzenia na Europę
Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The herein project was created from the need to introduce changes in the work of our school with the view of educating our students to become more creative and informed people in Europe as well as the need for for continuous self-improvement. The scope of our goals contains between creativity and culture, teaching and learning of foreign languages and intercultural education of generations, as well as lifelong learning. The participants of the project are teachers of different subjects and Administrative Staff (12 people) and students aged from 7 to 15 years. Their purpose is to achieve a multi-faceted improvement of their professional skills, which in turn will lead to improve the quality of work in our school and eventually help in equipping the students with the key competences. We started our activities from setting up a task force and identifying areas that can undergo the improvement process. Together we defined the needs, goals, and we planned our actions. They are as follows: 1. Introduction of changes in the concept of school work within our schools by the Council of Teachers - in August 2014. 2. Appointment of the Project Coordinator - in August 2014 3. Establishment of the team that will develop a long-term plan of school work for the years 2014-2016 onwards, taking into account the changes made to the concept of school work - in August 2014. 4. Creation of the team of teachers and designation of classes which will implement the new tasks - in August 2014. 5. Introduction of new methods of teaching foreign languages (English, French and German) in all classes – from September 2014. 6. Introduction of classes with fun education in German and French - from September 2014. 7. Setting up bilingual primary school classes - from September 2015r. - classes 1-3 of primary school: chosen subjects in English, - classes 4-6 of primary school and lower secondary school: chosen subjects (Culture Studies, Geography and Music) in French. 8. Project-based work and establishing cooperation with fellow teachers in the United Kingdom - school year of 2014/2015 with the motto "Bringing Multiculturalism to the Common Denominator - the English language". 9. Partner schools exchange: a) Cooperation with the school from the Ruhr district in Germany – from September 2014 b) Student exchange programme with the school in France – from the school year 2015/2016 c) Student exchange programme with the school in the United Kingdom – from the school year 2015/2016 10. Improvement of teachers’ skills by active participation in the Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals between the years 2014-2016. a) Headteacher and Coordinator draw up a schedule of mobilities for the project participants so that they can utilise the newly acquired skills and knowledge in line with the concept of school work for the period 2014-2016. b) Participants of courses are expexted to hand in reports and commence implementation of the acquired skills and know-how. 11. A specifically designated team is supposed to disseminate the final products of the within in the Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals project (through the school’s website, school newsletter, local press as well as particiation in the District Council’s meeting). Acquired skills and experience will enable us to better implement the main objectives of the concept of work of our schools. Examples drawn from other countries’ cultural output will let us more effectively raise our creativity as far cooperation with students is concerned. A better fluency in foreign languages will assure our students in the advisability of using foreign languages as a necessary tool in the work and life. Meetings and cooperation with students from other schools are going to have a significant influence upon the process of shaping their social competence. Gained knowledge of culture and history of other countries will give our youth real instruments to bravely create the future of the continent together. As soon as the Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals project is completed, we are going to organise a series of meetings with the local community to share the effects and results of the Erasmus+ project our teachers will work on. To promote the ideas behind the project even better, we are planning to publish various educational and information materials worked out throughout the teacher training programme on the school's website as well as in the local press. We are aiming to involve our students, their parents but also both the local and global community.