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What happened with "no borders" ?
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This is a major youth exchange about all the current changes in Europe. because of the flow of refugees at present there is a range of different problems in the different participating countries.This application is another application with a focus on integrating young people with fewer opportunities and NEET and refugees in the internationalization process that Erasmus + contemplated. this YE will be specifically about human rights, also connected with the refugees problems, and European citizenship, besides the fact that we in the Erasmus Plus program try also much to do with the partner countries; around us, which was making the call to add open borders and more countries to the EU, has been a major issue,Over the years we recently deal with a much bigger refugee problem and is coming the call to close borders. so these are contradictions that we have to work on, and we will try to find empathy and answers in this YE.The knowledge and experience in our organization is relevant to this project, we can mention large experience with confidence. Meanwhile we organized over 70 projects in which 90% of vulnerable young people participated. We have experience in organizing and sending and hosting EVS, two workers (one volunteer and one paid) in our organization are former EVS and therefore experts from the other side.Here are partly young people with fewer opportunities involved because it is extra important to the discussion, we are going to debate on racism, xenophobia, human rights, exclusion, growth in Europe, close the borders, empathy etc.the goals we want to achieve this are:- That the young participants learn more about the basic concepts of Human Rights (UDHR)- Giving them tools to bring this over to others in a non-formal way and to experience this theirselves- Increase intercultural competences- The experience of an exchange- Experience what the differences are within and outside Europe and therefore get more self-reflection and they will be encouraged to vent their ideas and evaluate and scrutinize how to work on improvements in the future, - they become more aware of their own situation compared to the situation of other people in Europe and beyond. Increasing the competences of the organization and its partners, the discussion of all kinds of social problems and abuses in the field of human rights and issues relating to European citizenship, in a manner of non-formal learning.Participants receive a higher motivation to be active, improve their social skills and improve job opportunities for them will in the future, Computer skills and knowledge in working with different types of equipment will improve, the ability to contribute to their social commitment through concrete projects, opportunities for financing and cooperation in this area. as well as personal gain, he / she is more tolerant, more aware of cultural differences and will become even more disinterested in intercultural dialogue.Participants will improve their language skills. They will learn how to listen actively, how to work in a team. They will also learn a lot about different cultures and traditions.Human rights is something you need to experience often before they are nuanced to think about, especially for young people it makes sense to do this with non formal learning activities. role play so far [place yourself in the other person and you experience things you have not thought about it until now.the participating countries are explicitely choosen because Of Their different situations in this present problem, They are, Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Turkey.



6 Participants partenaires