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We, Ourselves and our Cultures
Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "We, our selves and our Culture" is an EVS project which aimed to enforce the social inclusion of young people with disabilities on local level through exploring different cultures. Two volunteers from Poland will work in Macedonia for a period of 1 year, 1.10.2016-30.09.2017. They will help in the office and deliver activities for young people with fewer activities coming from different cultures and social backgrounds. Macedonia is multicultural society and has many different nationalities living there. This is a great opportunity to combine exploring different cultures and social inclusion of people with disabilities. The aims of the project are:- To encourage active participation of young people facing specific disadvantages in the society. - To engage young people from various cultural and social backgrounds to gain more knowledge about working with young people with fewer opportunities.- To offer competence for creative expression through learning about different cultures. - To support young people coming from different countries in recognizing similarities and differences between them and the value of the fact that we are different- To motivate young people to think creativeDuring the activities we will use the methods and techniques of non formal education. Each month the volunteers will write news mail on their stay here and the work that they do. This will be shared with the local partner organization, members and on our and our partner fb and webpage. At the end of the cycle will be organized big performance where the actors will be the young people. This will be event for at least 250 guests. Volunteers will bring back home pictures but also the video booklet on how to work with young people with fewer opportunities, and they will use it while organising some meetings with youth workers to discuss it already back home.Organisations taking part in this project are Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat from Poland and the Center for Youth Activism KRIK from Macedonia.



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