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Water Management Project of Peipsi, Pihkva, Lämmij.. (Emajõe-Pskov WMP)
Water Management Project of Peipsi, Pihkva, Lämmijärve, Saadjärve and Veskijärve Lakes
(Emajõe-Pskov WMP)
Date du début: 11 mars 2012,
Date de fin: 27 févr. 2014
Project applicant – Emajõe Veevärk is one of the largest water and wastewater service providers in the region. Project also includes 6 municipalities. 2 of them (Tartu and Palamuse) participate under Emajõe Veevärk. Lohusuu, Mustvee, Kasepää and Pskov as project Partners. Emajõe Veevärk operates in Ida-Viru, Jõgeva, and Tartu County. Tartu municipality situates in Tartu county, Palamuse, Mustvee and Kasepää are in Jõgeva County, Lohusuu is in Ida-Viru county and Town Pskov is in Russia in Pskov region The overall aim of this project is to reduce pollution, since all these settlements are situating by the different lakes; all of these lakes are in the area of lake Peipsi water basin. And some settlements are situating on the Natura 2000 sites and some of them are situating by the Natura 2000 site Investments will be made under this project to the renovation of Mustvee and Pskov wastewater treatment plants, as well as construction of new water and wastewater pipelines in Palamuse and water treatment facilities in Kasepää. Additionally there are made feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, water and wastewater designs for Tartu, Lohusuu, Mustvee and Kasepää municipalities. Important part is also trainings for the staff of Emajõe Veevärk and Pskov’s water and other project partners. Achievements: Outputs*1 consistent Geographic information system (GIS) prepared in Tartu region comprising 51 wastewater treatment plants, 42 water treatment plants and bored well pumping stations, 250 km of water supply and 250 km wastewater pipelines. Hardware and designing software for GIS purchased; *1 waste water treatment plant (WWTP) reconstructed in Mustvee - sand separator, air blowers, sludge pumps installed; *2175 meters of water and 2140 meters of wastewater pipelines installed in Palamuse; *2 water treatment plants constructed in Kasepää municipality: -In Kükita village water station building reconstructed and water treatment technology improved. -In Tiheda village new building constructed and water treatment technology improved. *1 wastewater treatment plant constructed in Pskov - 1 secondary settlement tank installed; *Water and wastewater technical designs prepared for 4 settlements in Estonia; *9 tablets procured for technical specialists to operate GISResults*GIS enables to display, administer, store and print out the geographically related information, allows efficient maintenance of water and wastewater utilities, reducing maintenance and operating costs of utility networks; *Public water and wastewater services extended through improved supply network in border territory of Estonia and Russia; *Up to 1600 people in Estonia and 194 000 people in Russia benefit from two renovated wastewater plants; *Up to 1066 people benefit from two constructed water treatment plants; *145 people in Estonia benefit from 2175 m water and 2140 m wastewater pipelines constructed; *Technical designs for water and wastewater objects enables to carry out procurements of construction works; *Increased connection rate to the public water and wastewater networks in partner`s municipalities; *Quality of drinking water improved in 2 municipalities in Estonia which meets requirements given in National legislation; *Pollution reduced in Lake Peipsi water basin; *Mobility and efficiency of technical specialists increased to manage water and sewage utility
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