Rechercher des projets européens

Wata cukrowa
Date du début: 15 déc. 2010,

The group 'Jaworki' contains seven students of MOW. We have decided to take matters into our hands. Organisation 'JAWOR' helps us decide to take part in the programme 'M³odzie¿ w dzia³aniu'. We have found a great activity. We would like to show that we are not worse. The meetings will take place in Jaworek. We will invite to participate the youth from surroundings and residents of our village.We are planning to create two groups which will include about ten people but we think that it will be much more participants. What is more, our achivements are going to be shown in Poviat Starosty, Educational Authority, Mc Donalds or Shopping Centre. The project will start on 15.12.2010r and will and on 30.06.2011 r.We would like to show Polish and European meals, dances, customs, jokes and music. We will invite foreingers and we will write to embassies because we have to get some informations about European countries. Internet will help us to find the amusement parks and tourist entertainments. We would like to make UE flags with Dutch tulips. We are going to model figures in clay- animals which are symbols of the countries. We will grow the plants which come from different places of our continent. We hope that the disabled will help us with cooking. We will publish a book 'Europa od kuchni' which will contain recipes of Polish and European meals.

