Rechercher des projets européens

Walking in a European Dimension through our education
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project objective is to help teachers discover, learn and use new methods for learning mathematics according to European lines, giving the the foreign language teachers the opportunity to offer insights into the practice of CLIL program in a different context and improve the communicative competence of our staff. It is aimed at Preschool and Primary teachers offering the opportunity to participate in a job shadowing experience. . They have set clear goals for the institutions and participating teachers, among which linkages for collaborative exchange of materials and resources. The teachers participanting in the progarm aims to investigate aspects of learning and teaching of mathematics and English and integrated language and content learning. Other objectives are that teachers experience firsthand the life in partner schools and develop their confidence and ability to communicate in English, the language chosen for communication and the application of digital resources in the classroom Scheduled actions will take place at: Praestegaardsskolen, Esbjerg, Denmark Saint Leornard´s Primary School, England 4 Spanish teachers will learn new methods to teach Maths and and ideas to carry out in their own classes. 4English teachers will attend Saint Leonard´sd Primary School in order to improve the communicative competence and obsreve good practice to teach other subjects in English. During the programme each teacher will make a list of the resources used in the partner school and collect data from the most relevant aspects of the educational system of the country visited. The participating teachers will consider the appropriate way to implement in their own school methods and ideas observed during the job shadowing. The participants will be responsible for disseminating, with the support of the Comission, the practices observed during the Job shadowing . The expected results are: To promote collaboration between European schools. To improve teachers competences and increasing their awareness of pupils’ needs and difficulties in learning Maths.. To improve both teachers and pupils comunicative competence. Duration of the project: From 01-06-2015 to 01-06-2017 The project will develop new teaching practices, different learning materials and promote pedagogical innovation among teachers in different European countries.

