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Vzdelávanie učiteľov v anglickom jazyku a britskej..
Vzdelávanie učiteľov v anglickom jazyku a britskej kultúre
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 31 août 2015
Basic School of M. R. Stefanik in Ivanka pri Dunaji (for pupils at the age of 6 to 15) is a large, modern school, which is oriented to foreign languages, ICT and environmental education. Our school has achieved many successes in various competitions, including language competitions. Many students continue in bilingual secondary schools. However, we still have to work hard to develop quality of education at our school.
We participate in some European projects, such as European Languages Day and ENOTree Day, we have our twin school in the Czech Republic, we had a blue double-decker at our school bringing information about studying in the UK etc. There is yet much to do if we want our students to think in European dimensions.
The main aim of our project is to improve our teachers' language skills, which also will mean better quality of foreign languages teaching at our school. Along with that we also want to widen knowledges about European and British culture and life.
We would like to send three English teachers to study in courses at Pilgrims. Two will study Methodogy and Language for Teachers. These two participants need at least B1 level at English, be motivated to improve their language skills, as well as to use new activities in their work. One participant will attend a course on British Life, Language and Culture. This person needs B2 level at English or above and also have good knowledges about British life and culture and about multiculturalism. This person is believed to help with European dimension of the school in the future and with organizing school trips and language courses for our pupils abroad.
We really expect great benefits for our school, our pupils and our teachers. We hope to promote students' deeper interest in learning English. We would like to inject humour into lessons and make lessons more lively.
We are convinced that the chosen courses will contribute to giving European dimension to our school. We hope our participation may promote cooperation of our school with other European countries.
An important part of one of the chosen courses is multiculturalism, which has been typical for some parts of the UK for a long time, but still is not "home" in Slovakia. As the world becomes smaller, this topic will be more and more important in our country too. Therefore we will be happy to explain bright and dark sides of this process better to our students after the course. We also believe the students will gain a better understanding of British life and culture.
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