Rechercher des projets européens

Vše v pohybu
Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The presence of a young man/woman from abroad brings fresh air to our organization SVČ ROROŠ . It also helps to the personal growth of the children and other people in our city Nové Město pod Smrkem . It can break racial and national prejudices. The volunteer will encourage the people in our closed local community. Our primary goal is creating good habits in spending leisure time of children and young people and possible the elderly as well. We suppose that the volunteer will take a part in our regular running activities (sports, art and others). She/he will help us with the national and international camps and meetings which we will do. She/he will document the activities and possibly make presentations. We hope that the volunteer will also bring us new ideas. We suppose that the volunteer would leave us here her/his ‘footsteps’ ,that ´s why we prefer a project with a duration of 12 months. So, she/he might do a public inquiry and we will be happy to learn from the outcome and present it. We will host 2 volunteers. Our method of work is focused on non- formal education.



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