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Voneinander lernen-Miteinander handeln im Haus Europa Brücken bauen mit Musik und Sport zum gegenseitigen Verständnis der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zum europäischen Bewusstsein
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The encounter taking place 2 years in Schwerte has received a timely topic this year. Young people know the Second World War and the ensuing so called Cold War only from history, from the media or from sparse tales of their grandparents generation. They are together see witnesses of the Second World War in Schwerte and visit special places, and travel to the historical places of war. The Twinning Society Schwerte with their goals will be presented. New challenges posed by war and refugees coming to Europe, Germany and Schwerte. The common concern of all Europeans will be shared, how it can succeed , despite of growing xenophobia and racism and national delimitation wishes, to live in the building Europe together in peace and to be open and inviting for refugees and persecuted families from other countries and with other cultural backgrounds, who only want to live in peace in Europe. Music as a medium of international understanding and placing young people in families should build bridges for international contacts in the House of Europe. Finnish and Estonian teenagers with their German partners learn how peaceful coexistence can succeed in a region characterized by migration and industrial and cultural change. They learn to be tolerant of cultural and religious diversity and learn about exemplary voluntary civic engagement. They will meet young people with handychaps who experience the musical together as a barrier-free room, and they see themselves collectively included in living. The meeting promotes international and intercultural relations. Topic: Learning from each other – act together in the House Europe Building bridges with music to the mutual understanding of the past and present European awareness Music knows no borders



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