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Volunteers for Inclusion vol.1
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Volunteer Movement will be coordinating and receiving organization of Volunteers for Inclusion vol.1 project which a Spanish and a Portuguese partners will be sending organizations. The project activities will take place in Bursa on 01.09.2016-01.03.2017 and 01.03.2017-01.09.2017. There will be 4 volunteers in total (2 volunteers for the first 6 months and then another 2 volunteers for the second 6 months; 2 from each country)The main reason why we do this project is to make the disadvantaged young people/ children gain new skills, and contribute the social development of these groups with the help of activities run and supported by EVS volunteers. Thanks to this services, they will be more self -sustained, independent individuals and express themselves better. Also, the project will create awareness among local people towards disadvantaged and disabled young/ children and will encourage them to take more active roles in social projects.During the activities of the project, non-formal education methods will be used in order to include everybody and make them express themselves better and more freely. Our activities include, creative tasks, workshops and group activities, writing blog and content related to project themes, some related office work (documentation and reports) and Turkish lessons. Shortly, the main theme is disabilities and special needs, activities includes themes such as social inclusion and creativity and culture.Lastly, with the help to this project which is using the activities include creativity and culture mostly for the disadvantaged young/ children to include them socially, tolerance, respect, cooperation and ties among people, organizations and countries will be strenghten. This will make a very important contribution to the world peace starting from the local level.



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