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Volunteers Experience Learning in Tyrol 2015
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project "Volunteers Experience Learning in Tyrol 2015" is a youth mobility project for 11 long-term volunteers and takes place in the region Tyrol in Austria. The project is motivated and organised by InfoEck of Verein Generationen und Gesellschaft and its partner network. InfoEck has collected precious EVS experience and focuses on making it an inclusive and diverse learning experience for every member of the Project. This project focuses on solidartiy with and opportunity for participants with fewer opportunities, in a time where unemployment, marginalisation and social differences are present in Europe more and more. This inspires us to go forward in supporting a diversity of youngsters in this Erasmus+ youth project. The volunteering activities take place in different districts of the Austrian region and in different organisations. The 11 participants will be active in 8 different host organisations in the field of youth work, pedagogy, people with disabilities, elderly people and youth information and will also realise common group projects with a rich intercultural learning experience. The objectives are to foster the youngsters' participation in European society, to give them space to be creative together with other young people in the region, to teach them key skills and competences which they will benefit from in the future (on the job market), to learn new languages and get to know new people, to empower them to realise their own ideas and initiatives. Morevoer "Volunteers Experience Learning in Tyrol 2015" encourages them to become more active and share their attitudes, interests and values with one another in order to dismantle stereotypes and exclusion, but to engage in solidarity and understanding of people from other countries and generations. There will at least seven participants with fewer opportunities serving as lon-term volunteers in Tyrol. The 11 participants come from 9 different countries and 11 different regions and are between 18 and 30 years old. The activities will be long-term volunteering activities (9 to 12 months each), linking participants from the programme countries Spain, France, Italy, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Poland and the partner country Ukraine in their experience. Methodology will be group work, project work, open youth work, (social) pedagogy, leisure support, public relations and media work, support work and intergenerational workshops with elderly or people with disabilities and more - above all the aims are active participation, intercultural and intergenerational learning as well as encouraging the creativity of the participants. Some of the results should be a video/media project realised by all 11 volunteers together or a youth event and a radio session. The potential long-term benefits will be the empowerment of the volunteers, new ideas and competences that are developed, the dissemination of the Erasmus+ programme, new cooperations of the participants with one another, more solidarity in the local communities. Also, the local communities in the region will become more sensitive to the situations of the volunteers with fewer oppportunities and the political, social and economical situations in their countries, and hereby foster the communities' European awareness. Moreover another long-term result will be the spread inspiration in different European countries, sparked by this project, and a better connection between some Tyrolean hosting organisations in the youth / education / social field in the region and in Europe, who might cooperate more intensely in the future.



18 Participants partenaires