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Volunteering&Sustainability Ambassadors
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In the project ’Volunteering&Sustainability Ambassadors’ the goals of the hosting-coordinating organisation, the Budapest-based Messzelátó Egyesület, are relevant:- spreading the idea of active citizenship and volunteering; promoting volunteering locally and internationally, encourage local communities and people to act in communities- spreading the idea of sustainable lifestyle and its practicesThrough the inclusion of the volunteers we want to reflect on unemployment of youth and the lack of active communities and offer a solution (volounteering locally and internationally) for these problems using environmental education and non-formal and informal learning activities and share our experiences and knowledge in these topics with the volunteers who can became the multiplicators of them and also enrich these issues with their fresh ideas and different approaches.The volunteers involved will assist our membership meetings, community building activities, volunteering promotional and environmental educational programmes. For the project we host two volunteers who are interested in nonformal and informal learning activities, environmental protection and improving local communities. The ideal applicant is open-minded, responsible for its own community and can work with groups from his age. The main venue of the project is Budapest, capital of Hungary, but some programs will take place in other parts of Hungary at various places and events for and with different target groups and participants, so the volunteers can widen their cultural awareness while having the same impact on the local community. Volunteers will mostly work in the office of the hosting-coordinating organisation, which has its own common space. Employees, local volunteers and members of the association will support the volunteers while working. Their personal learning process will be evaluated regulary with the help of the coordinator and the mentors. The volunteers involved will gain new knowledge and improve their different skills and competences. It will be confirmed in the Youthpass certificate.Volunteers will participate in our on-going projects (organising, communication and implementation), but they have the possibility to realize their own project according to the aims and goals of the organisation. Proposed activities:- Community building and development programmes (e.g world cafés, meetings, workshops)- Events promoting volunteering locally and internationally (e.g info days, film clubs, videos, blog, informal lectures in universities, festivals)- Preparation, mentoring and reintegration to the home country of yougsters taking part in volunteering projects (e.g assisting cv writing, trainings, national events, evaulation)- Environmental education events for local community/members and companies/institutions - Urban gardening (e.g maintaining the parcel of the association in a community garden, events and sharing know-hows on urban gardening)The implementation of the project will be monitored and evaluated regulary with the participants, partners and target groups. The project will have impact and longer term benefits for the local community as well as the volunteers: they will gain new practical knowledge on (e.g community building, project management, nonformal and informal learning methodes, sustainable lifestyle) attitudes and aspects (e.g. cultural awareness, european citizenship, responsibility and common sense).



2 Participants partenaires