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Volunteering for inclusion II
Date du début: 1 juil. 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project aims to continue Somaschi Volunteers Foundation project, Volunteering for inclusion , under implementation in this moment.The need that our project is trying to answer is the increasing number of children and young beneficiaries of our programs, especially those not attending school and volunteers need to be actively involved in solving problems in the community where they live. Then I noticed in the work of EVS volunteers working in the project that we have in the implementation, we noticed, that they took the initiative and developed mini project that helped both the personal development of beneficiaries and the volunteers themselves.The Objectives: of the projects: 1.Promoting programs for social integration of disadvantaged youth, volunteering, non-formal education, Erasmus + through activities developed in the local community, with the support of 10 EVS volunteers;2. Personal development of 10 EVS volunteers through the acquisition of skills by direct experience in activities organized both by the host organization, and the volunteers themselves.3. Facilitating learning process of participants and beneficiaries in the activities’4. Development of social services in the local community through volunteering activities aimed to prevent school dropout and to support access to school and to the labor market of disadvantaged children and young people.Project activities: 1.preparatory activities (Launching the project, training volunteers before departure, signing voluntary agreements) 2. Stage: Accommodation of the participants; Volunteering camp - with other participants in the camp, about 70 young- Romanians and Italians- will carry out activities in various poor neighborhoods of Baia Mare, where there are a high number of illiterate children and young and with increased risk of dropout; Intercultural evenings- participants will present their own culture; Participation in OAT; Mobile School - literacy and directing beneficiaries to resume the educational process; Our strategy- planning, implementation and evaluation of activities to promote volunteering in high schools in Baia Mare and other youth organizations; Dissemination Event- in a location of their choice, will present their Evs experience; Romanian language courses; Mentoring ; realizing final video spot; the Foundation usual activities: games, workshops, hiking, creative workshops, personal development sessions, contests, sanitation, literacy and other activities proposed by EVS volunteers; Publicity; Dissemination; Evaluation.Methods: animation, playng, presentations, flashmob, experiential testimony, living exhibition, exhibition photovoice, experiential learning, workshops, discussions, exercises, independent work, reflection and other proposed by participants.After participating in the project participants will improve their ability to work effectively in a team, to achieve a goal, to design, implement and evaluate a project, to know their weaknesses and strengths, to take risks, to meet the challenges and identify solutions, develop social and civic competences , entrepreneurship, communication in foreign languages, will become more tolerants, more involved and more active in making positive changes in society.Long term benefits:, the school dropout rate in the community will be less, also will decrease the number of illiterate youngsters. There will be an increase in the number of young people from disadvantaged resuming educational process . The numbers of youngsters from Baia Mare who engage in voluntary social activities will be higher, Erasmus + and partner organizations will be more visible in the community.



4 Participants partenaires