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Volunteer - Activate Young People
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Voluntary Service International (VSI) and Cloughjordan Community Farm (CCF) hosted two EVS volunteers in Ireland sent by the organization SFERA, Russia, for 12 months. One volunteer was based in Dublin with VSI and the other in Cloughjordan with CCF. The volunteer with VSI worked on promoting local and global volunteer opportunities for peace in Ireland and internationally. The volunteer with CCF worked on promoting CCF as a model for other community projects and promoting the ideas of self-sufficiency, sustainable living and local food produce. This EVS project contributed to VSI's mission of promoting peace, social justice, sustainable development and intercultural understanding through volunteering in Ireland and internationally through hosting two volunteers from a different culture and who are from an EU neighbouring partner country, through their work on supporting the VSI volunteer programme, with volunteers from Ireland and different countries and working on sustainable development and raising environmental awareness with CCF. The volunteers grew personally and professionally, increased their intercultural understanding and learnt about inclusion and social justice. The EVS project provided the volunteers with the opportunity to enhance their employability through increasing their skills in working with young people, in an international organization, intercultural understanding and sustainable development. All the partner organizations increased our intercultural understanding; we learnt more about each other's countries and cultures. Through this EVS project the organizations also increased our youth work capacity. We developed our relationships with the other partner organizations and we hope to continue to work together on EVS and other Erasmus+ projects in the future. The local communities and general public also learnt about the Erasmus+ programme through this EVS and we expect this to promote their participation in it.



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