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Volontaires européens à Redon 2015-2016
Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Hosting six volunteers from Germany, Ukraine, Finland, Turkey and Italy in these organisations of Redon (France) : Lycée Saint-Sauveur (highschool), Manivel Cinéma (associative cinema), IEM La Clarté (school for handicapped children), the school “collège le Cleu”, the organisation “la Fédé” for non formal education, and the Social Centre will permit to involve young european in projects towards various people of the local community, to create links between these hosting organisations for the benefit of all the actors : the volunteers will meet more people and different projects in the town, they will bring an added value to the missions of their hosting organisations and give the opportunity to the publics of these organisations to mix with other publics. This is especially important for people with less opportunities like the handicapped children of la Clarté and Le Cleu, the “Group of Mutual Support” (persons facing psychical diseases) coming to the Centre Social, the people going to the Insertion workshops of la Fédé or the families of the popular areaof the town participating to the Social Center. For the publics of the cinema and the highschool, hosting a volunteer means an opening onto Europe and bringing the value of tolerance towards the others. As Redon is a small town in a rural area, the local community doesn’t have the opportunity to meet many foreign people with such a diversity of origins and cultures, and the presence of volunteers helps to develop the european awareness in the “Pays de Redon et de Vilaine”. In our hosting projects, we will try to use as much as possible a pedagogy of participation with the volunteers : to give them the opportunity to manage their own projects on an autonomous way (with our support), to make so that they take initiatives, to develop their citizen awareness. We will try as much as we can to mix the nationalities and the genders we are hosting, to create a real cultural diversity. Finally, we are trying to make improvements every year in our pedagogical way to support the volunteers, so that the can find their place and bring a real « added value » into our community and to the project of each organisation, with their own skills, through tthe mixity of the publics of our hosting organizations via a collective project run by the volunteers together, and in order to develop their competences in general.



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