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VOCMAT – Vocational Management Training for the European Tourism Industry

VOCMAT-Vocational Management Training for the European Tourism Industry- is a project targeting tourism staff at middle and senior management level across a wide range of organisations as fe. SME’s, educational and professional organisations, industry bodies. The idea is to produce a new European level training method combining a range of tools such as online learning, videoconferencing and workshops in a modular approach All training materials as online training and assessment, CD-ROMs, handbook will be supplied in all partner languages. A curriculum for tourism managers, flexible to allow for local requirements, will be developed, so will be online assessment tools. The developed training programme will allow training without leaving the workplace making qualifications easier for those employed improving their qualifications. In building up the course scheme there will be an identification done of key management skills required, a development of innovative training products in close cooperation with tourist boards and universities. For Valorisation/dissemination the partners will use their existing networks, a commercialisation of outcomes is envisaged.



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