Rechercher des projets européens

"Vivre ensemble" dans une dynamique interculturelle
Date du début: 30 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Maison des Associations NPO is a multicultural association which gathers five federations of migrants, with the aim of promoting the integration of foreign people in Luxembourg (45% of the country population). During the last four years, we have annually hosted two European volunteers. Usually, the volunteers help us in the daily tasks and in the organisation of our activities: literature evenings, cooking events, fairs, etc. They build up contacts with potential partners for these events, take part in their promotion (creation of flyers and posters) and contribute to their development with their creativity. Moreover, the volunteers are involved in the Association’s communication: updating the website and social networks, preparing and distributing the monthly newsletter. The association carries out many other projects in which the volunteers can participate: a radio program, intergenerational cinema projections, debates, etc. Overall, the association is involved in all the activities concerning the social integration of the whole population of Luxembourg through sociocultural activities. More information can be found on our website



Projet Website

2 Participants partenaires